Andrew LeRoy Harris

Andrew LeRoy Harris

I was born in a small town called Lexa, ARK. November 25, 1949 to Doris E. Jones and Richard Harris. My father was already married and had another family. So I grew up without a father figure in my life. I never met my father until I was thirty-five years. My mother moved to Houston,Texas after her house burned down. I was about four or five years of age in 1954. My mother married many more times and I became the first of nine children whom I hardly knew any of them growing up, because I was never around. I spent all my time in the streets trying to find answers. I was also incarcerated alot due to the company I was keeping, until I saw my lost and gains.  I worked as a welder for twenty years and now retired.
Married twice, no children. My second marriage is to Elizbeth R. Harris my loving companion for over 40 years.
I managed to finish high school with a G.E.D. Got interested in college and attended a graphic college, but discovered I had no talent for the work. So I thought that since this is the information age, I'll make information systems my major. I attended Devry University to study Busiiness Information systems, but after about a year there I discovered the school was a fraud. Still in pursuit of the Information systems degree, I attended University of Phoenix, but then it came to me that I will always be studying life for knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
I stop attending college for the Bachelor's degree after accumulating 212 credited hours. I realized that "to whom much is given, much is required." I felt I needed to contribute something good to the world, and not miss the opportunity. I was born in a Christian family. My mother was Christian, so I grew up in the church. I liked church and even taught others what I thought I learned, until I could no longer get any answers that satisfied my then developing mind. I eventully discovered the religion Islam and learned the status and practices of an Imam, the leader of the prayer. Today I am claiming to be a Christian leader, because I can now answer the questions I had when I was in the church as a child Christian. It's like coming full circle. I discovered that those who practice being Human are the same as any Dignified Noble person. And such people are children of the Patriarch, Abraham.